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5th REMEDIES General Assembly Meeting: Advancing Towards a Plastic-Free Future

By October 8, 2024News

The REMEDIES project held its 5th General Assembly on October 7th, 2024, bringing together partners and stakeholders for a comprehensive review of progress and planning of next steps. The virtual meeting ran from 10:00 to 16:00 and included detailed updates on each work package, discussions on achieved results, upcoming milestones, and strategic adjustments.

The agenda was structured to ensure each Work Package (WP) lead had the opportunity to present their accomplishments and outline the path forward:

  • Welcome & Meeting Overview: Vesna Kuralt kicked off the session with a brief introduction, house rules, and an update on the overall project status.
  • WP1 Monitoring plastic litter (NIC): A detailed review of results, next milestones, and potential deviations from the Description of Action (DoA) was discussed. This set the tone for aligning efforts across the project’s objectives.
  • WP2 Collection of plastic litter (CLERA): Achievements were highlighted, focusing on communication and engagement activities aimed at raising awareness and promoting sustainable practices. Open discussions provided input on refining dissemination strategies.
  • WP3 Circular solutions for prevention of plastic waste (ANGR): Updates emphasized advancements in monitoring and detection technologies for plastic litter, a cornerstone of the REMEDIES initiative.
  • WP4 Sustainability assessment and optimisation of implemented measures (UM): The team presented their latest innovations in collection and valorization, showcasing promising solutions for tackling marine plastic waste.
  • WP5 Scaling & Replication (F6S): The focus was on scaling impact through networks and capacity building, particularly engaging local stakeholders and startups.
  • WP6 Community engagement, dissemination & communication (Impact Hub Athens): This session addressed community involvement and zero waste initiatives, underscoring the role of social innovation in driving behavioral change.
  • WP7 Project management (NIC and CIBOS): Emphasis was placed on testing and validating novel methodologies across the Mediterranean demonstration sites.

The afternoon sessions concluded with financial updates, upcoming REMEDIES events, and an engaging discussion about the 6th General Assembly, which will be hosted by SMILO. The meeting wrapped up with closing remarks, affirming REMEDIES’ commitment to a plastic-free future through collaborative innovation and strong partnerships.

This assembly marked a significant milestone in the project’s journey, reinforcing the shared vision of reducing marine plastic pollution and promoting sustainable practices across the Mediterranean region.