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REMEDIES Conference at Novi Sad: Beyond Plastic Waste: Are We Ready to Do Our Bid?

By September 20, 2024News

REMEDIES Conference, Novi Sad

Beyond Plastic Waste: Are We Ready to Do Our Bid?


4.10.2024, 10:00 – 14:30

Novi Sad, Serbia


REMEDIES is a project supported by the European Union through HORIZON programme, creating innovative solutions and technologies to monitor, collect, prevent, and valorise (micro)plastic from our oceans. Our approach is rooted in science, circularity, and community engagement aiming to protect water ecosystems, reduce pollution and develop a climate-neutral blue economy.

Sharing good practices of business-oriented perspectives on alternatives leads to reduced plastic waste generation.

Moderator: Stevan Vujasinović

Conference will be fully recorded

Language: English


10.00 – 10.10 – Opening Speech  

10.10 – 10.30 – Welcome Speech by EXIT FOUNDATION representative

EU COMMISSION / EUD representative

Uroš Novak REMEDIES Project Coordinator


10:40 – 11.00 – Good practices of Winners of Plastic Fantastic- approaches for a circular, zero-waste economy – Hybrid

11.15 -12.25 – REMEDIES for Ocean: ARENA of innovative solutions ROUNDTABLE

Panel to discuss circular, zero-waste economy, with a variety of panellists. Discussing REMEDIES innovative solutions how they can be implemented for various business sectors and how these sectors can get involved. The goal is to discover potentials to use innovative solutions for various sectors / businesses for their circular economy.


12:30 – 12:45 – Short break

12.45 – 13:05 – EU Funding possibilities  (EU Commission or EUD)

13:10 – 13:45 – Green EXIT initiative, past and future

13.50 – 14.00 – Final remarks / conclusion / questions

14.00 – 14.30 – Networking