Information Technology and Services Professional
Position: M.Sc. in Computation
Eleni Petra holds a Diploma in Computer Engineering and Informatics, from the Technical University of Patras, Greece, and a Master of Science in Computation, the University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology (U.M.I.S.T.) Her technical specialty is in Information Systems, User Interfaces, Human Factors in MMI, Data Base Management Systems, e-infrastructures, data infrastructures.
Over the past 30 years she has worked as a Scientific consultant and Project Manager for a number of Research Centers, companies, government agencies, and the European Economic Union (IST, Esprit programme, FP6, FP7, Horizon programmes). She has served as a Project Manager and Technical Coordinator for the technical and management administration (included 6.800 projects of informatics in the framework of the Sectoral Operational Programme “Information Society” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) as Deloitte senior manager, of over 65 projects of PIRAEUS BANK and ETBA, as a Project Manager and Technical Coordinator for the MIS in the Greek Ministries of Public Works (Access points and Road Accesses) and Industry (EPV). While working at FORTH (Foundation of Research and Technology) in Crete she was Project or Team leader in ESPRIT Projects (Intelligent Workstation – IWS, ITHACA, etc.) and the Associate Manager of the Hellenic Esprit Special Action in Multimedia and CIM.
Currently, she is working for ATHENA RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CENTER, and University of Athens as Project Manager in Horizon2020 projects related to research infrastructures (RDA) and Virtual research environments for marine environment and acquaculture (BlueBridge H2020 project).
In parallel, she supports as scientific consultant the American School of Classical Studies in Athens and the Archaelogical Society at Athens.