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1st Moroccan Beach Clean-Up

By December 14, 2023News

The first REMEDIES beach clean-up event in Morocco took place on November 30 after the project’s General Assembly and was co-organized by Mohamed First University (MOH), University of Maribor (UM), and Venice Lagoon Plastic Free (VLPF). The clean-up was conducted in collaboration with the NGOs “Association Homme & Environnement” and “Ecoloplatforme de la région de l’oriental” as well as the Ras El Ma high school. In addition to volunteer efforts from REMEDIES partners, over 40 volunteers and students from the local area participated in the clean-up activities.

Beach clean-up activity group photo of REMEDIES partners and local NGOs.

The clean-up took place on the beach in the Saidia area, more precisely on the shoreline of Ras El Ma. The efforts on this beach near the border with Algeria managed to remove over 360 kg of total litter from the beach, 160 kg of which was represented by plastic litter. Our gratitude goes to all the participants of the clean-up action who contributed with their voluntary work to improve the state of the Moroccan shorelines.

Co-organizers of the beach clean-up: University of Maribor (dr. Annamaria Vujanović) and Mohammed I University (dr. Alae-Eddine Barkaoui).

The knowledge transfer based on beach clean-up activities will enable the local partners to organize large-scale clean-up events in the future to keep the Moroccan beaches cleaner for the future. REMEDIES also looks forward to future collaborations with all-encompassing clean-up actions in Morocco through organizations such as The Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, which is covering over 100 of the busiest Moroccan beaches to keep them clean and safe.

Volunteers from local Ras El Ma school at the beach clean-up.