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Lighthouse Training Workshop – Beach Litter Monitoring & Clean Up

By October 11, 2023October 13th, 2023News
REMEDIES partners Venice Lagoon Plastic Free hosted the second extraordinary training event of the REMEDIES project. Reserved to the project partners, the event offered a deep dive into the organization and management of marine litter monitoring missions and clean-up operations. The meeting was part of the European project HEurope REMEDIES, funded within the “Restore our Ocean and Waters” EU mission. The event, joined by the representatives of the project’s demonstration sites, mainly focuses on the implementation of a shared methodology for monitoring and collecting waste along the Mediterranean coasts.
Combining theoretical and practical activities, the REMEDIES project involves the sharing of observations and local data in collaboration with leading experts, with a view to taking joint decisions. During the practical part, attendants will have the opportunity to explore the Dune degli Alberoni WWF oasis and engage in monitoring activities with the support of a very innovative application.
During the event, VLPF introduced an extraordinary app, the result of the partnership between Venice Lagoon Plastic Free and Infordata Sistemi Srl. The app will revolutionize the way we gain insights on the presence of plastic in the marine ecosystem, offering precise and instant data which will be collected according to rigorous protocols for the analysis and classification of marine waste.
But that’s not all! To obtain a chemical characterization of the collected waste, they used a latest-generation portable device, known as “NIR”, capable of identifying the material, i.e. the type of polymer, thus simplifying disposal and remediation activities.
Watch the video of the event here.