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Program Manager at Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation

Ioanna is an Environmental scientist who works as a Program Manager at the Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation. Her work focuses on the protection of the marine environment and the fight against marine pollution.

She is responsible for the national campaign “Greece Without Single-Use Plastics”, a cooperative effort between the Foundation and the Ministry of the Environment and Energy, which aims at the reduction and gradual banning of single-use plastics in Greece. 

Having always had a profound love for the ocean, she tries to engage more and more people in its protection and share the message for cleaner seas!

What made you support the vision of REMEDIES?

My belief in joint actions and that all of us can be part of the solution lies at the core of the REMEDIES movement and I am more than happy to be part of it!”

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