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Beach Clean up in Athens, Greece

In view of the Inauguration Event of the REMEDIES, organized in the picturesque city of Athens, right by the beautiful set, almost 60 people from across Europe rolled up their sleeves and embarked on a massive beach cleanup initiative contributing to the #20TonnesChallenge, getting their hands dirty in the noble cause of preserving our precious marine ecosystems. This endeavor wouldn't…
remedies remedies
October 5, 2023

Sinis Peninsula Clean up

Sardinia Beach clean Up! On August 1st CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche organized a beach and sea bottom clean up in Sardinia with CReS - Centro di Recupero del Sinis and made astounding progress! A team of 56 people spread out on a beach of over 700 meters in length and managed to collect an impressive 5,2 Kg of Litter!…
September 7, 2023

Sea and Marine Culture Day

On the occasion of ‘’Sea and Marine Culture Day’’ project partner CNR along with Port Capitaneria and Mossa di Oristano Technical Institute organized on the 14th and 17th of April 2 events to contribute to the #20TonnesChallenge  litter in our coastlines and shorelines. What can we do to minimize plastic pollution in the ocean? How can the marine environment be…
September 7, 2023

Bele Skale beach and Ronek Peninsula Clean up

Thanks to the university of Maribor and the Public Institute Landscape Park Strunjan, along with our REMEDIES partners Clera.One, Venice Lagoon Plastic Free, Kemijski inštitut and 40+ local volunteers, we successfully cleaned up Bele Skale beach and the Ronek peninsula. The collected waste was separated into plastics and other materials, with fishing gear, food packaging, styrofoam, and cigarette butts being…
September 7, 2023

REMEDIES Lighthouse workshop in Venice

Venice Lagoon Plastic Free (VLPF) recently coordinated and hosted a two-day international workshop dedicated to organizing and managing beach litter monitoring missions and clean-up events as part of the Horizon Europe project REMEDIES, funded under the Restore our Ocean and Waters mission program. The event, held in cooperation with the Kemijski Inštitut - National Institute of Chemistry in Slovenia (leading…
September 7, 2023