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REMEDIES at Ecomondo Green Technology Expo

On Tuesday, November 7, four REMEDIES partners, namely NIC,  INFOR, VLPF and RC, had the chance to present during the Ecomondo Green Technology Expo in Rimini, Italy. The workshop was entitled "Sustainable technologies for Marine litter removal and recycling: the experience of the H2020 MAELSTROM project in dialog with other experiences" and it was organized by the Ecomondo Scientific Technical…
remedies remedies
November 7, 2023

Open Call 1 – Watch the 2nd Webinar for Applicants!

REMEDIES Open Call  1 for associate regions aims to boost the deployment of plastic litter collection and valorization schemes in the Mediterranean. We invite projects that aim to accelerate the deployment of plastic litter collection schemes and explore innovative ways to transform plastic waste into valuable products or resources. REMEDIES offers a grant of up to €100.000 for public bodies…
remedies remedies
November 1, 2023

Empowering the Visionaries of Tomorrow

On the 3rd of October, Vesna Kuralt, Project Manager of REMEDIES, presented our program during the Plastic Pollution session of “Restoring our Ocean and Waters by 2030: Empowering the Visionaries of Tomorrow” event in Milan. In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the University of Milan Bicocca, in collaboration with Liceo Scientifico Vittorio Veneto and the European Commission, experienced scientists…
remedies remedies
October 27, 2023

CNR at La Sagra del Surf

On the 20th, 21st and 22nd October 2023, CNR participated in the event “La Sagra del Surf” in Putzu Idu that attracted hundreds of people. CNR presented their activities about the Marine litter issue, Sea turtles Conservation and their contribution in the REMEDIES program, such clean ups and monitoring.
remedies remedies
October 26, 2023

CNR at Baltic Yachts Rendezvous 2023

On the 16th of September 2023, REMEDIES partner CNR was invited to talk on stage during the "Baltic Yachts Rendezvous 2023” event in Porto Rotondo about the CNR and CReS conservation activities for sea turtles in Sardinia, the goals reached in 20 years by the Sardinian Regional Network with all the Marine Protected Areas and theier International projects, like REMEDIES,…
remedies remedies
October 26, 2023

New article on Microplastic Detection by Wasser 3.0

The REMEDIES partner Wasser 3.0  published the first article of the REMEDIES consortium regarding microplastic detection and we are more than proud! The article "Fast Forward: Optimized Sample Preparation and Fluorescent Staining for Microplastic Detection" by Michael Toni Sturm, Erika Myers, Anika Korzin, Sabrina Polierer, Dennis Schober, and Katrin Schuhen is open accessible here.  More about the article: Abstract The…
remedies remedies
October 24, 2023

Devices equipped with GPS are “traveling” in the Aegean Sea to trace the route of garbage

Source: the following article is based on the Greek article of Natasa Karathanou, member of Athens-Macedonia News Agency, published at REMEDIES partners MC Greece (Marine Conservation Greece) is attempting to map the path of waste through waterways, focused on protecting the water resources of the broader Mediterranean region. In this direction, special GPS devices are being deployed in rivers and…
remedies remedies
October 19, 2023

OBPS Workshop VII, 2023 – Understanding and Combating Marine Pollution

On the 10th of October, Vesna Kuralt, PM of REMEDIES, presented a session dedicated to “Understanding and Combating Marine Pollution” in the OBPS Workshop VII, 2023. The 2023 workshop explored the Ocean Best Practices aimed at providing some “common” solutions to the 10 selected challenges set by the UN Ocean Decade for collective impact. Watch the Workshop here:
remedies remedies
October 17, 2023

Open Call 1 for associate regions – Watch the Webinar for Applicants!

REMEDIES Open Call 1 for associate regions aims to boost the deployment of plastic litter collection and valorization schemes in the Mediterranean. We invite projects that aim to accelerate the deployment of plastic litter collection schemes and explore innovative ways to transform plastic waste into valuable products or resources. REMEDIES offers a grant of up to €100.000 for public bodies…
remedies remedies
October 11, 2023

Sea Forum-Bizerte 2023

A wave of excitement and gratitude washes over us as we reflect on the incredible journey of our REMEDIES representatives, Lina Silveira and Vesna Kuralt, at this year's Forum Mondial de la Mer - Bizerte(The Sea Forum-Bizerte) 2023, organized by La Saison Bleue in partnership with the Blue Mission Med. We would like to thank Rym Benzina Bourguiba for inviting…
remedies remedies
October 11, 2023